Terminations - watchlists
San Francisco City & County Employees' Retirement System terminated Advent Capital Management from a balanced convertible securities portfolio.
Santa Barbara County Employees' Retirement System terminated Rice Hall James & Associates from a $35 million domestic small-cap growth equity portfolio.
Pennsylvania Public School Employees' Retirement System terminated investment consultant Aon Investments USA for cause related to an investment reporting error.
Marin County Employees' Retirement Association placed Wellington on its watchlist for fixed income; Invesco, which manages commodities, was removed from the list.
Chicago Firemen's Annuity & Benefit Fund placed Brown Capital Management on watch for its active international equity portfolio.
Louisiana State Employees' Retirement System terminated Mondrian Investment Partners from its $200 million active international small-cap equity portfolio.
Illinois Municipal Retirement Fund terminated Genesis Investment Management from a $650 million active emerging markets equity portfolio.
Dallas Employees' Retirement Fund terminated Redwood Investments from a $30 million active domestic small-cap growth equity portfolio.
Los Angeles Water & Power Employees' Retirement Plan placed Blackstone on watch for the Hope Street Fund it manages due to performance concerns.