An updated resource for defined contribution plan sponsors on the latest research, best practices and implementation steps for lifetime income solutions. It delves into establishing plan objectives, addressing longevity risk in plan design, and evaluating the range of retirement income product offerings, including the benefits of providing lifetime income within the default solution. Key success factors include flexibility, a well-defined framework and solving for individual outcomes, which is detailed in a case study of a successful in-plan implementation.
As asset owners continue to embrace sustainable investing, its definition and applications are broadening and they are taking highly differentiated approaches to access investable themes such as the energy transition, biodiversity and stewardship. While climate risk mitigation and renewable energy are top themes, data availability and benchmarking have become more granular. Investors are also taking a holistic view of their investments in terms of comparative long-term governance and economic development trends.
Collective investment trusts offer DC plan sponsors several advantages over traditional mutual funds, which has led an overwhelming majority of plans including the CIT structure in their investment options. CITs and mutual funds differ in key features, implementation and use cases, making them a viable option for most DC plan menus.
Corporate pension plans are continuing to pursue PRT transactions for a host of reasons, with more insurers stepping up to meet the demand and deliver on providing retirement security to plan participants. This updated resource explains what’s behind the current developments and offers practical advice to plan sponsors on preparation for a PRT, evaluating an insurance partner, and implementation steps. It also profiles the sponsor’s investment capabilities, capital sourcing strategies and solutions.