W.R. Berkley Corp., Greenwich, Conn., added the MFS International Diversification Fund as an investment option in its 401(k) plan lineup in 2018, the company disclosed in an 11-K filing with the SEC.
The active international equity fund managed by MFS Investment Management had $30 million in assets in the plan as of Dec. 31, according to the July 1 filing.
Also during 2018, the plan removed the Harbor International Fund, a similar fund managed by Harbor Capital Advisors and subadvised by Marathon Asset Management, which had $34 million in plan assets as of Dec. 31, 2017, according to the company's prior 11-K filing.
The reason for the change was not provided.
As of Dec. 31, the W.R. Berkley Corp. Profit Sharing Plan had $1.1 billion in assets, according to the new 11-K filing. As of that same date, the plan had 15 investment options, a common stock fund and a target-date fund lineup managed by Fidelity Institutional Asset Management, according to the filing.
Spokeswoman Karen A. Horvath could not immediately provide further information.