Texas Teacher Retirement System, Austin, committed a total of $935 million to seven existing managers in December, a report from the $173.3 billion defined benefit plan showed.
The largest aggregate commitment was $510 million to four managers from the pension fund's $11.4 billion energy, natural resources and infrastructure portfolio.
The largest allocation was $200 million to Blackstone Energy Transition Partners IV, an opportunistic fund focused on investments in international developed countries.
TRS investment officers committed €150 million ($160 million) to Blue Bonnet Co-Investment Vehicle, a fund of one, managed by InfraVia Capital Partners. The fund's investment managers will have a value-added focus on investments in international developed countries.
TRS also committed $150 million to EnCap Flatrock Midstream Fund V. The fund is co-managed by EnCap Investments and Flat Rock Global.
TRS'energy, natural resources and infrastructure portfolio accounted for 6.6% of the pension fund's assets as of Sept. 30.
Investment officers earmarked a total of $250 million for two managers from the pension fund's $29.9 billion real estate portfolio.
Oak Street Real Estate Capital Fund VI, managed by Blue Owl Capital, received a commitment of $200 million for investment in special situations properties in the U.S.
The remaining $50 million was committed to Principal Green Property Fund III, a U.S. opportunistic real estate fund managed by Principal Real Estate Investors.
The retirement system's real estate allocation was 17.3% as of the end of September.
From TRS' $31.4 billion private equity portfolio, investment staffers committed $175 million to GTCR Fund XIV A&B, a U.S. buyout fund.
The pension fund's private equity portfolio was 18.1% of total plan assets as of Sept. 30.