St. Louis Firefighters' Retirement Plan is looking to allocate $8 million each to a midcap core equity manager and a small-cap core equity manager.
Dahab Associates, investment consultant to the $80 million pension fund, is assisting with the searches.
Funding will come from terminating Great Lakes Advisors' smidcap equity strategy. "The plan has grown and would now be better served by splitting the mandate between small- and midcap managers," said Kevin Condy, Dahab associate consultant, in an email. Great Lakes has been encouraged to bid.
The RFPs are available on Dahab's website. Proposals for the midcap search are due at 5 p.m. EST Jan. 23, while proposals for the small-cap search are due at 5 p.m. EST Jan. 24. A decision is expected to be made in the first half of 2020, Mr. Condy said.