San Diego County Employees Retirement Association is searching for a general investment consultant.
The $17.7 billion pension fund has issued an RFP due to the board policy of putting services up for bid every five years, said Mary Ball, chief of operations. Current consultant Aon Investments USA is invited to rebid, she said.
As of June 30, the actual allocation was 26.2% domestic equities, 22.6% risk-reducing fixed income, 12.2% international equities, 8% risk-seeking fixed income, 7.3% each global equity and real estate, 6.6% opportunistic investments, 4.9% emerging markets equities, 2.1% private equity, 1.6% private real assets and the rest in private debt.
The target allocation is 25% domestic equities, 19% risk-reducing fixed income, 12% international equities, 10% real estate, 8% global equity, 6% return-seeking fixed income, 6% each opportunistic investments and private equity, 5% emerging markets equity and 3% private debt.
The RFP is available on SDCERA’s website. Proposals are due by 5 p.m. PST on Dec. 13. A selection is expected following finalist interviews on March 20.