San Diego City Defined Contribution Plans Trustee Board is searching for an investment consultant.
The board, which oversees the city's 401(a) and 401(k) plans, is seeking an investment consultant to "provide all aspects of investment consulting for the plans," according to a request for information posted on the PlanetBids procurement website.
The current consultant is Milliman, according to recent board meeting minutes. Whether the firm is invited to rebid could not be immediately learned.
The plans share 12 investment options and a target-date fund lineup managed by Capital Group. The plans have a combined $1.2 billion in assets.
The RFI is available on the PlanetBids procurement website. Registration is required. Proposals are due at 2 p.m. PST on Dec. 4. A timeline for a decision was not provided.
Brent Krohn, program coordinator, was not immediately available to provide further information.