Erie County Deferred Compensation Committee, Buffalo, N.Y., is searching for a record keeper, said Vincent Galindo, senior consultant at investment consultant Hyas Group, in an email.
The $298 million 457 plan's committee is seeking a firm to "provide retirement plan administration, record keeping, education, communications, investment-related, and other related services," Mr. Galindo said.
He could not be immediately reached to provide further information on whether the current record keeper is eligible to rebid.
The last time the services were put up for bid was in 2016, and incumbent firm AIG Retirement Services (then known as VALIC) was rehired following the completion of the RFP process.
The new RFP is available on the county's website. Proposals are due at 2 p.m. EDT on Oct. 14. Finalist interviews are scheduled for Jan. 26-27, 2023, with a selection expected shortly thereafter.
Hyas Group is assisting with the search.