Clearwater, Fla., is searching for an investment consultant for the city's $77 million 457 plan and $8 million 401(a) plan.
The city is seeking a firm to provide comprehensive services including ongoing review of investment options and the record keeper of the plans, according to an RFP posted on the city's website.
The RFP does not disclose the name of the current consultant or whether the firm is invited to rebid. Lori Vogel, city procurement manager, would not provide further information.
The city last put the services up for bid in 2017, and incumbent consultant Montgomery Retirement Plan Advisors was rehired.
MissionSquare Retirement is the plan's record keeper.
The RFP is available on the city's website. Proposals are due at 10 a.m. EDT on April 12. Finalist presentations, if necessary, will take place the week of May 1, and a selection is scheduled to be approved by the city council on June 15.