Updated with correction
Central New York Regional Transportation Authority, Syracuse, is searching for a fiduciary manager, custodian and trustee for its three pension plans, confirmed Caitlin MacCollum, procurement supervisor, in an email.
The authority issued an RFP for a firm to act as fiduciary manager, trustee and custodian of the $30 million Defined Benefit Retirement Plan for Non-Salaried Employees of CNY Centro Inc., $29 million Defined Benefit Retirement Plan for Salaried Employees of CNY Centro Inc. and $7 million Utica Transit Service Corp. Pension Plan.
Manning & Napier currently provides these services, according to investment policy documents. Ms. MacCollum did not immediately respond to requests for further information.
The RFP can be obtained by emailing Ms. MacCollum. Proposals are due at 9 a.m. EDT on Oct. 16. A timeline for a decision was not provided.