Attleboro (Mass.) Contributory Retirement System is searching for a passive domestic large-cap equity manager to run $16 million and is also looking to commit $11 million to a core real estate fund.
The $180 million pension fund launched searches for a manager to run an S&P 500 index fund and a manager that runs a core real estate fund, according to RFPs posted on the website of investment consultant Dahab Associates, which is assisting with both searches.
The RFPs do not disclose the reasons for the searches or the names of current managers and whether they are invited to rebid. Typically, Massachusetts municipal retirement systems issue RFPs due to the Massachusetts Public Employee Retirement Administration Commission requiring they put services up for bid every seven years.
The real estate RFP and passive manager RFP are available on Dahab's website. Real estate proposals are due at noon EDT on April 18, and passive manager proposals are due at noon EDT on April 21. Timelines for selections were not provided.
Ken Badertscher, the pension fund's executive director, could not be immediately reached for further information.