Atlanta Regional Commission is searching for a consultant to analyze the plan structure of its current defined benefit plan and two defined contribution plans and recommend potential changes. It also searching for a third-party administrator for those plans.
The commission has issued an RFP following a request for information process that took place in November. The commission had issued an RFI for firms to analyze the effectiveness of its current retirement plans and the potential of developing a hybrid DB/DC plan, spokesman Paul Donsky said at the time.
The new RFP is based on information received following that RFI process, and in addition to the consulting services the RFP says the commission is seeking a third-party administrator "to provide record keeping/plan administration services relating to the ARC defined benefit pension plan, and employee defined contribution plans including 457 and 403(b) plans."
Mr. Donsky would not provide further information.
The RFP is available on the commission's website. Proposals are due Feb. 28. Finalist interviews are March 12. A timetable for a selection was not provided.