Arizona Public Safety Personnel Retirement System, Phoenix, is searching for an investment consultant for its $194 million 401(a) plan and new 457 plan.
The retirement system issued an RFP because it wants to put the services up for bid on a fairly consistent schedule, spokesman Christian Palmer said.
SageView Advisory Group is the current consultant of the 401(a) plan and is invited to rebid, Mr. Palmer said.
The 401(a) plan, known as the Public Safety Personnel 401(a) Defined Contribution Retirement Plan, was created by state legislation early in 2016 and is an option for members of PSPRS hired after June 30 of that year, known as Tier 3 members. The 457 plan was created by state legislation in 2019.
The RFP is available on the retirement system's website. Proposals are due at 4 p.m. MST on Jan. 31. A selection is expected by Feb. 14.