Alberta Ministry of Treasury Board and Finance, Edmonton, is searching for an investment consultant to complete a project reviewing the investment strategy of the C$19.8 billion ($14.8 billion) Alberta Heritage Savings Trust Fund.
The ministry issued an RFP for a vendor to conduct a comprehensive review of the sovereign wealth fund's investment strategy to finalize an updated statement of policies and goals, spokeswoman Kathy Morin said in an email.
The comprehensive review was last conducted in 2011, according to the RFP.
The Alberta Heritage Savings Trust Fund is the province's primary long-term savings funds, which collects a portion of Alberta's oil and gas revenue for future generations, according to its website. The Alberta Investment Management Corp., which has more than C$160 billion in assets under management, is the current manager of the assets.
As of Sept. 30, the trust fund's actual allocation was 28.6% foreign equities, 20.4% real estate, 19.2% fixed income, 10.8% private infrastructure, 9.3% private equity, 7.9% Canadian public equities, 3% renewable resources, 0.5% cash and equivalents and the rest in overlay.
The RFP is available on the Government of Alberta's purchasing website. Registration is required. Proposals are due at 2 p.m. MST on Feb. 28. A selection is scheduled for March 21.