Financial Advisor Services
The Southern Maryland Regional Library Association, Inc. (SMRLA) is seeking proposals to provide investment advisor (asset management) services for a growing portfolio of post-employment benefit accounts. SMRLA is a 501c3 nonprofit organization.
SMRLA offers employees access to a 403b plan which is administered by TIAA-CREF. SMRLA also offers employees access to a retiree-only health reimbursement account (RHRA). SMRLA would like professional support in reviewing the investment options available to staff members.
Additionally, SMRLA seeks professional guidance in developing an investment policy. The investment policy will provide guidance to SMRLA’s Board of Trustees and will outline the organization’s procedures for overseeing investment accounts.
The full RFP is available online at Receipt of proposals will close Monday, January 31, 2022 by 4:30 p.m. Applicants should submit one paper copy and one electronic copy of their proposal to:
Southern Maryland Regional Library Association
c/o Ashley Teagle, CEO
P.O. Box 459
Charlotte Hall, MD 20622
[email protected]