CalSTRS was among a number of the largest institutional investors in the world announcing leadership changes earlier this month.
The past couple of weeks saw a slew of changes and job openings at institutional investors.
KC Crain was named CEO of Crain Communications Inc., the family-owned media company that is the parent of Pensions & Investments.
Two AIG presidents — Todd Solash and Robert Scheinerman — have been named CEOs of their respective businesses.
Former IMF division chief Laura Kodres named senior fellow at the MIT Sloan School of Management's Golub Center for Finance and Policy.
Michel Khalaf was named the new CEO and president of MetLife and will assume his new responsibilities May 1.
Bjarne Graven Larsen resigned as chief investment officer of the Ontario Teachers' Pension Plan.
Purna Bhudia was named head of credit at the Pension Protection Fund.
Nico Aspinall was named chief investment officer at B&CE, provider of multiemployer plan The People's Pension, West Sussex, England
Deborah Bannon joined BNY Mellon Investment Management in Hong Kong on Monday as Asia-Pacific head of consultant relationships.