Unisys Corp., Blue Bell, Pa., purchased a group annuity contract from Massachusetts Mutual Life Insurance Co. to transfer about $235 million in U.S. pension plan liabilities.
The transaction, which was completed on Oct. 14, transfers the benefit-paying responsibility for about 6,900 retirees to the insurer, confirmed Tony Buglione, Unisys spokesman, in an email.
It is the information technology solutions company's fourth derisking transaction in the past year.
In May, Unisys transferred the assets of its Dutch subsidiary's primary pension plan to De Nationale APF, a multiemployer pension plan in the Netherlands, eliminating $550 million in pension liabilities from its balance sheet.
In January, Unisys entered into an agreement to purchase a group annuity contract from MassMutual to transfer about $280 million in U.S. pension plan assets. That transaction transferred the responsibility to MassMutual of paying benefits to about 11,600 retirees and beneficiaries.
In December the company announced it made lump-sum payments totaling $276 million to former U.S. employees who accepted an offer from the company.