State of Wisconsin Investment Board, Madison, announced a preliminary net return of 15.2% for the year ended Dec. 31 for the Wisconsin Retirement System’s $120.1 billion core trust fund.
The core trust fund’s preliminary return fell above the fund’s benchmark return of 14.2%, SWIB spokeswoman Vicki Hearing said in an email.
The fund’s annualized net returns for the five and 10 years ended Dec. 31 were 10.7% and 8.5%, respectively, above the respective benchmarks of 10.3% and 8.1%.
WRS’ core trust fund returned a net 19.9% for the year ended Dec. 31, 2019.
Asset class returns and their associated benchmark returns are not yet available, Ms. Hearing said.
Actual allocation information as of Dec. 31 was not available. The actual allocation as of Sept. 30 was 48% public equities, 24.7% public fixed income, 6.5% inflation-sensitive assets, 9.7% private equity/debt, 7.2% real estate, 3.4% multiasset strategies and 0.5% cash and overlay.