The SBI employs 34 people, of which 15 are on the investment side, Mr. Perry said, which translates to each investment staffer being responsible for oversight of between $8 billion to $9 billion.
The best part of Mr. Perry's current job has been focusing on managing the SBI's portfolios and working with the board's external money managers, he said.
Mr. Perry is finishing his second tour of duty at the St. Paul-based board.
Previously, he served as deputy assistant executive director and deputy CIO at the SBI for 18 years ending in 2008, and returned to the board in 2013 in his current roles.
He also served as CIO of St. Paul-based Macalester College's $891 million endowment from 2010 to 2013 and was CIO of the $64.6 billion Maryland State Retirement and Pension System, Baltimore, from 2008 to 2010.
Mr. Perry's successor is Jill E. Schurtz, chief investment officer and executive director of the $1.2 billion St. Paul Teachers' Retirement Fund Association.
She was appointed by the board of trustees at an Aug. 24 board meeting and was not available for comment.
As for Mr. Perry's retirement plans, he intends to focus on his health and spend more time with his family. He doesn't intend to find a new job, although he may end up serving on boards of companies, he said.
"I don't want to be a CIO or manage money," he stressed.
Mr. Perry, a baseball fanatic, said he specifically chose Oct. 11 as his departure date to coincide with watching baseball's World Series.
He may also revive his baseball memorabilia home business selling baseball souvenirs and liquidate some of his large inventory, he said.
Of the $124.7 billion in total assets the SBI managed as of June 30, $81.3 billion was in the state's combined defined benefit plans, $8.9 billion was in defined contribution plans and $34.5 billion was in other state funds.