Orange County Employees Retirement System, Santa Ana, Calif., returned a net 26.2% for the fiscal year ended June 30, in line with its policy benchmark, confirmed Robert Kinsler, spokesman for the $21.5 billion pension fund, in an email.
For the three, five and 10 years ended June 30, OCERS returned a net annualized 10.9%, 10.7% and 7.9%, respectively, compared with its respective benchmarks of 10.6%, 10.4% and 8.2%.
OCERS returned a net 1.6% for the year ended June 30, 2020.
As of March 31, OCERS had an actual allocation of 48.7% global equities (vs. its target allocation of 47%), 11.1% fixed income (11%), 12.3% private equity (13%), 8.8% real assets (12%), 8.4% risk mitigation (10%), 7.5% credit (7%), 0.3% unique strategy (zero) and the rest in cash (zero).
Returns by asset class were not provided.