For the most recent fiscal year, the top performing asset class was emerging markets equities, which returned a net 50.1% for the year ended June 30 (well above its benchmark return of 40.9%), followed by global private equity with a net 45.8% (below its benchmark return of 47.3%).
Following those asset classes, domestic equities returned a net 41.5% (below its 44.2% benchmark) for the fiscal year ended June 30, followed by international developed markets equities at a net 39.29% (33.6%); opportunistic and tactical assets, 25.8% (1.7%); global private credit, 17.6% (4.8%); multiasset strategies, 16.6% (19.2%); global real assets, 8% (2.6%); and global fixed income, 3.6% (-0.3%).
As of June 30, the actual allocation was 26% domestic equities, 17.6% international developed markets equities, 15% global fixed income, 14.8% global real assets, 10.7% global private equity, 5.6% emerging markets equities, 3.6% other, 3.1% opportunistic and tactical assets, 2.3% global private credit and 1.3% multiasset strategies.