As of Dec. 31, Ford's U.S. pension plan assets totaled $31.423 billion, while projected benefit obligations totaled $32.676 billion, for a funding ratio of 96.2%, down from 100.2% a year earlier. Also as of that date, the discount rate for the U.S. plans was 5.17%, down from 5.51% the year before.
The U.S. pension plans' actual allocation as of Dec. 31 was 54% corporate bonds; 27% U.S. government fixed income; 10.2% hedge funds; 4.7% real estate; 4.3% private equity; 1.9% non-U.S. government fixed income; 1.3% each mortgage/other asset-backed securities and domestic equities; 0.8% international equities; 0.2% other commingled funds; 0.1% derivative financial interests; -2.4% other; and -3.4% cash, cash equivalents and repurchase agreements.
Also as of Dec. 31, Ford's non-U.S. pension plan assets totaled $22.958 billion, while the PBO totaled $24.004 billion, for a funding ratio of 95.6%, down from 98.8% the year before. Also as of that date, the discount rate for the non-U.S. plans was 3.98%, down from 4.42% a year earlier.
The non-U.S. pension plans' actual allocation as of Dec. 31 was 58.5% non-U.S. government fixed income; 14.3% other; 10.2% corporate bonds; 6.8% domestic equities; 4.7% each hedge funds and international equities; 2.7% private equity; 1.9% real estate; 1.3% mortgage/other asset-backed securities; 0.9% other commingled funds; 0.4% U.S. government fixed income; and -6.4% cash, cash equivalents and repurchase agreements.
Regarding the allocation to cash, cash equivalents and repurchase agreements, Ford in its 10-K filing said those are "primarily short-term investment funds to provide liquidity to plan investment managers, cash held to pay benefits, and repurchase agreements valued at $2.6 billion in U.S. plans and $2.1 billion in non-U.S. plans." Under the "other designations," the filing said, "For U.S. plans, amounts related to net pending security (purchases)/sales and net pending foreign currency purchases/(sales). For non-U.S plans, $2.5 billion of insurance contracts, primarily Ford-Werke, and amounts related to net pending security (purchases)/sales and net pending foreign currency purchases/(sales)."