The deadline is fast approaching to register for Pensions & Investments' 12th annual Best Places to Work in Money Management program, an inside look at what employers are doing to enhance their workplace culture, attract top talent and develop employees. Registration ends June 9.
A simple yet thorough two-step company assessment determines company rankings in the program, managed by P&I partner Best Companies Group, an independent research firm. In the first part, employers complete a questionnaire; in part two, employees complete a survey designed to quantify their engagement and satisfaction.
Results will be published online and in the Dec. 11 issue of P&I, and will include profiles and photos of top-ranked organizations.
Last year, the program recognized a record 121 firms.
To register, visit You'll also find sample surveys and answers to frequently asked questions there. To participate, companies must have at least 20 employees in the U.S., at least $100 million of discretionary, institutional assets under management or advisement and be in business for at least one year.
Participation in the program is free. For a look at last year's winners, visit
If you'd like more information, contact Executive Editor Julie Tatge by email at [email protected]. To reach Best Companies Group, Harrisburg, Pa., call 877-455-2159.