Goldman Sachs is offering an additional 10 days of family leave to employees who are dealing with the fallout from the coronavirus outbreak, a spokeswoman confirmed Wednesday.
Employees were notified Tuesday about the family leave benefit in an email.
"We recognize our people are dealing with unique personal circumstances related to the profound impact of COVID-19, whether it be protecting their health, caring for a child whose school or daycare services are unavailable, adjusting to a new routine, tending to an ill or elderly family member, or managing feelings of isolation that can come from physical distancing," Bentley de Beyer, global head of human capital management at New York-based Goldman, wrote in the email.
Goldman has since published an excerpt of the email on its website.
"To support employees, we will now offer 10 days of family leave to our people globally to care for family members, as needed, due to COVID-19 related illness or child care needs, including home schooling," he added.