Pensions & Investments has created a database to track when institutional investors exclude specific sectors or countries from their investment portfolios.
The database also tracks when money managers are banned from doing business with particular asset owners.
At this time, there are almost 275 entries. For instance, P&I tracked 28 divestment actions of Russian securities in the wake of the country's invasion of Ukraine.
Currently, the database displays eight fields: divestment action, sector or country, asset owner, divestment amount, decision-maker, decision-maker type, date and a link to the original article. Information can be filtered using the "Show Advanced Filter" option.
The information is populated from P&I articles dating back to 2013.
Future enhancements include more than 10 additional data points in an expanded view and a summary analytical page.
Explore the new database in P&I's Research Center; the database is available to all registered P&I readers. For questions or comments, please reach out to Research Analyst Valerie Ge at [email protected] or Director of Research & Analytics Aaron M. Cunningham at [email protected].