2019 OCIO hires in review
The number of institutions hiring outsourced CIOs in 2019 kept pace with last year's numbers. Data accumulated by Pensions & Investments Research Center show that 14 new OCIO hires were made in the year. The largest was made by Dutch Pension plan Pensioenfonds Vervoer, Schiphol, Netherlands, which tapped Achmea Investment Management to manage its $31 billion plan in April. U.S. based BlackRock had two notable hires during the year, both in Europe. The megamanager was hired to manage the $5.1 billion U.K. Power Networks Group of the Electricity Supply Pension Scheme, Peterborough, England, and the $1.1 billion portfolio of the Dutch financial-services firm Stichting Beroepspensioenfonds Loodsen, Hook of Holland, Netherlands.
According to P&I's latest investment outsourcing survey, Cambridge Associates was the industry leader by assets, managing about $309 billion in an outsourced CIO capacity
Editor's note: These data are not inclusive of the whole market and are subject to institutional hiring announcements made by plan sponsors or managers.