The endowment of Yale University posted a net return of 6.8% for the fiscal year ended June 30, bringing assets to $31.2 billion.
The New Haven, Conn., school announced Thursday that the endowment returned an annualized net 10.9% and 9.9% for the respective 10- and 20-year periods ended June 30. For the previous fiscal year, the endowment returned a net 5.7%.
For the 10-year period, venture capital returned an annualized 21.3% for the endowment, followed by international equities at 15.8%, leveraged buyouts at 14.6%, domestic equities at 12.8%, real estate at 9.7%, absolute return at 5.3% and natural resources at 4.4%.
For the 20 years ended June 30, international equities produced an annualized return of 14.8%, followed by natural resources at 13.6%, venture capital at 11.6%, leveraged buyouts at 11.2%, domestic equities at 9.7%, real estate at 8.3%, and absolute return at 8.1%.