Modera staffers enjoy a luncheon to celebrate June birthdays in the Charlotte Office. The firm also sponsors events like an annual Halloween pumpkin carving party, group dinners to celebrate year-end and the holidays, and holiday parade open house, where employees and their young families write letters to Santa and enjoy breakfast goodies, coffee and hot chocolate.
Provides mentorship, coaching and continuing education opportunities, with reimbursement for certifications, workshops and/or conferences.
Covers 100% of medical, dental and vision premiums for employees.
Supports team building with events including escape rooms, virtual happy hours with games and prizes.
Employees say:
"A positive, collaborative culture. Staff are always willing to help in any situation. There are regularly scheduled staff meetings, and communication overall is excellent."
"Allows for autonomy in the work environment and trusts that employees will get the work done without micromanaging."
"Culture is not just a fancy buzzword, but it is emphasized and practiced from the top down. Modera has a culture of teamwork, support, compassion and giving. Modera is extremely client-focused and doing what is right for the client. My colleagues are great and fun to work with.''