The CFA Society of the U.K. is giving individual investment professionals a chance to develop knowledge and skills to help them incorporate environmental, social and governance factors and standards into their daily work.
The society's new Certificate in ESG Investing, launched May 14, has been modeled on the CFA U.K.'s Investment Management Certificate.
Driven by the demand from investment professionals in the U.K., the ESG qualification has been standardized to help develop skills applicable to all asset classes.
"Clients understand that ESG factors are financially material and expect their managers to help them meet their fiduciary duties by integrating ESG into analysis, valuation and investment decision-making," said Will Goodhart, CEO of CFA U.K., in a news release.
The Certificate in ESG Investing, which is recognized by the United Nations-supported Principles for Responsible Investment, will require 130 hours of study. The syllabus covers broad issues such as the development of ESG investing all the way through to portfolio construction.
Professionals including money managers, sales and distribution executives, as well as students seeking a career in the investment sector will be able to take the exam for the first time on Dec. 1. The cost is £470 ($611).