Wisconsin Deferred Compensation Program, Madison, is searching for a consultant to analyze the plan's stable value options, according to an RFI posted on the state of Wisconsin's website.
The $5.2 billion 457 plan has issued the request for information for consulting firms that could potentially review various stable value options for the plan, as well as analyze record keeper Empower Retirement's proposal for its own custom stable value fund. Since 1998, the plan's stable value option has been managed by Galliard Capital Management. As of March 31, plan assets in that stable value option totaled $668 million.
Input from interested firms will be analyzed for a potential request for proposal in the future, the RFI said.
The RFI is available on the state of Wisconsin's procurement website. Responses are due at 2 p.m. CDT June 7. A timeline for a decision was not provided.
Shelly Schueller, director of the deferred compensation program, could not be immediately reached to provide further information.