Florida Prepaid College Board, Tallahassee, is searching for an investment consultant for the $15.6 billion Stanley G. Tate Florida Prepaid College Program, $571 million Florida 529 Savings Plan and $12 million Florida ABLE Savings Program.
According to an invitation to negotiate posted on the state of Florida's procurement website, the board seeks "at least one firm that will provide objective, third-party advice and counsel that will enable the board to make well-informed and well-educated decisions regarding the selection of investments for the Prepaid Program, Savings Program and Florida ABLE."
The current consultant is Callan. Whether the firm is eligible to rebid could not be learned immediately.
The ITN is available on the state of Florida's procurement website. Proposals are due at noon EST on March 4. A decision is expected sometime in April.
Bert Wilkerson, director of finance, accounting and risk management, could not be immediately reached to provide further information.