AUM: $73.4 billion
Employees: 239
Years won: 2013, 2016, 2017, 2018
Category: Money managers with 100 to 499 employees
Popular perks:
• Designed a new office space, based on input from the staff, with sit-to-stand desks, double monitors, wireless headsets and ergonomic chairs; built an on-site coffeehouse for employees; held a taste test that allowed the staff to choose coffee beans and coffee makers for the cafe; and added on-site catering.
• Pays 100% of premiums and makes an annual $1,500 health savings account deposit for employees who select the firm's high-deductible health-care plan; pays 95% of premiums for employees who select other firm-offered health-care plans; and provides wellness benefits, such as biometric screening.
• Supports employee philanthropy with matching donations, provides time off for volunteer work, sponsors "Jeans Friday" to raise money each week for a different charity chosen by the staff.
Employees say:
• "Every day I come in, there is something new that the firm is doing for the employees to make them feel comfortable."
• "Small things like firm happy hours, gourmet coffee, pizza for people who have made it through a terrible winter storm to get to work, help make it enjoyable and not your typical place."
• "The company cares strongly about its employees."