West Sacramento, Calif.
Assets: $223.8 billion
Employees: 150
Years won: 2013, 2016, 2017, 2018
Category: Money managers with 100 to 499 employees
Popular perks:
• Encourages career mobility through in-house and off-site development programs and courses designed to fit each stage of an employee's career; sponsors a mentoring program and provides career-related training reimbursement; the ASPIRE-CalSTRS Investments' Leadership Development Program prepares candidates for higher-level investment leadership positions; and promotes staff diversity, while the "Rock the Street, Wall Street" program introduces young women from local high schools to the investment work at CalSTRS.
• Hosts employee engagement and team-building activities throughout the year, including the All Staff Games, the Investments Summer Olympics, Hawaiian/sports shirt Fridays, and spontaneous food-tasting surveys.
• Promotes staff fitness and well-being through a free on-site gym and walking workstations, sponsors workplace wellness programs, hosts "Bike Month" in May and provides a bicycle "library."
Employees say:
• "Turnover is very, very low because people love working here. The senior leadership goes out of their way for the little things to spice up work life and make it fun."
• "There is a cafe, gym and bicycle library that all employees have access to. I especially like the bicycle library and enjoy that CalSTRS promotes being active."