The New York State Teachers' Retirement System, Albany, is looking for a fixed-income manager, according to a notice posted on the $119.3 billion pension plan's website.
The job covers "all aspects of the fixed-income team's activities including, assisting with the development and implementation of NYSTRS' long-term fixed-income plan, individual portfolio(s) strategy, portfolio construction, risk management and monitoring as well as due diligence of external managers," the notice said. The manager will report to the managing director of fixed income. The application deadline is Nov. 22.
"It is an existing position that has been unfilled for several years," John Cardillo, a pension plan spokesman, wrote in an email.
The manager also will be involved in "performing due diligence, selection and monitoring of external fixed-income money managers as a result of new or existing investment mandates in various fixed-income subasset classes such as global bonds, high yield, inflation-protected securities, emerging market debt and bank loans," the notice said.
As of June 30, 2017, domestic fixed income accounted for 15.4% of the pension system's asset allocation awhile global bonds represented 2.2%.