Austin (Texas) Police Retirement System produced positive net returns in all reported periods over the 10 years ended June 30 but trailed its policy benchmark in each period.
The net return of the $778 million pension fund was 1.2% in the quarter ended June 30 compared to 1.8% for the benchmark; one year, 7.3% (benchmark, 9.6%); three years, 5.6% (8.1%); five years, 6.1% (9.1%); seven years, 5.4% (9.1%); and 10 years, 3.2% (7.9%)
The pension fund's asset allocation as of June 30 was 47.5% U.S. equity, 15.3% international equity, 8.9% multiasset funds, 8.8% real estate, 4.9% core fixed income, 4.7% non-core fixed income, 4.1% other fixed income, 2.8% timber, 1.8% other equity, 0.8% cash and 0.4% other.