Ohio Police & Fire Pension Fund, Columbus, committed up to $30 million to Vista Equity Partners Fund VII, a private equity fund that focuses on North American technology companies, spokesman David Graham said in an email.
The $15.7 billion pension fund previously committed up to $50 million to Visa Equity Partners Fund VI in 2016.
The actual allocation to private markets was 7.4% as of May 31; the target is 8%,
Separately, the pension fund adopted a private credit investment plan calling for $200 million in new commitments during the fiscal year ending June 30, 2019. The new 5% target to private credit was created in June 2017, funded by a reduction in the high-yield target to 7% from 15%. The pension fund does not issue RFPs.
The actual allocation to private credit as of May 31 was 1.9%, consisting of prior commitments originally allocated to high yield.