Scott Chan will join the California State Teachers' Retirement System, West Sacramento, as deputy chief investment officer on Aug. 1, said Michelle Mussuto, spokeswoman for the $224.8 billion pension plan, in an email.
He will replace Michelle Cunningham, who retired last year.
Mr. Chan was senior managing director of the University of California Regents' $55 billion global equities portfolio. The UC Regents oversees the $66.6 billion pension fund and $11.5 billion endowment. Before that, he served as CIO of the $9.3 billion Sacramento County (Calif.) Employees' Retirement System. UC officials could not immediately be reached for comment.
"We conducted an extensive global search and considered many talented external and internal investment professionals as part of the competitive recruitment process. ... He is a solid and steady investor with both public- and private-sector experience," said CIO Christopher Ailman in a news release.