Alberta Investment Management Corp., Edmonton, on Wednesday reported a net 10.4% return on its C$88.2 billion ($70.3 billion) in balanced fund investments in 2017, vs. its 9.1% custom benchmark return.
The investment return helped AIMCo, which manages Alberta provincial pension, endowment and other assets, increase its overall assets under management to C$103.7 billion, up 8.4% from the previous year.
The balanced fund is actively managed for pension fund and endowment clients; the remaining C$15.5 billion in assets are managed for government and specialty fund clients in fixed income and liquidity management.
In 2016, AIMCo returned a net 6.2% on its balanced fund investments, above its 6.1% benchmark return.
Strong performance in public equities, real estate and infrastructure drove the 2017 gains, said Denes Nemeth, AIMCo spokesman.
Further details of AIMCo's overall investment returns will be in its 2017 annual report, expected to be released in late June, Mr. Nemeth said.