Fulton-DeKalb Hospital Authority Employees Retirement Plan, Atlanta, is searching for an investment consultant, said an RFP posted on the authority's website.
The $227 million pension fund issued the RFP for a firm to advise the pension fund's staff and investment committee "on the design, development and implementation of the plan's investment program," the RFP said.
The plan, which was frozen in May 2008, has target allocations of 45% to 70% domestic equities; 10% to 45% domestic investment-grade fixed income; 5% to 20% each global investment-grade fixed income and international equities; and zero to 5% each alternatives and cash. The name of the current consultant and whether it is invited to rebid could not be immediately learned.
The RFP is available on the hospital authority's website. Proposals are due at 4 p.m. EDT on April 30. A decision is expected on June 19.
Irene Borum, the authority's chief financial officer, was not able to provide further information by press time.