Falmouth (Mass.) Retirement System is searching for an active U.S. small-cap core equity manager to run up to $21 million and an active U.S. midcap core equity manager to run up to $20 million.
Wainwright Investment Counsel, investment consultant to the $147.5 million plan, is assisting with the search.
Minutes from the board's Feb. 15 meeting show the board agreed to issue RFPs because its contracts with its current managers are set to expire later this year. The current small-cap manager is EARNEST Partners, and the midcap managers are Seizert Capital Partners and LMCG Investments, said Jeff Fabrizio, director of research at Wainwright Investment Counsel, in an email. All managers are invited to rebid.
The RFPs are available on Wainwright Investment Counsel's website. Proposals for both searches are due by 2 p.m. EDT on April 27. Selection dates were not disclosed.
Francis St. Germaine, administrator for the pension fund, could not be reached by press time.