Lycoming County Employees' Retirement System, Williamsport, Pa., is searching for an investment consultant for its $121 million fund.
Investment consultant Concord Advisory Group is assisting with the search.
The pension fund's standard operating procedure is to put contracts out to bid every five to seven years to review its options, said Nicki S. Collins, Lycoming County's deputy controller, in an email. Dahab Associates is the current investment consultant and is invited to rebid.
The pension fund has a target allocation of 20% each large-cap value equities, large-cap growth equities and fixed income; 15% smidcap equities; 10% each international equities and real estate; and 5% private equity, according to the RFP.
The RFP is available on the county's website. Proposals are due by 5 p.m. EST on Feb. 5. A selection is expected by March 28.