$12.3 billion AUM
Years won: 2017
Popular perks:
- Pays 100% of health-care premiums and annually funds each employee's health savings account to cover health-care deductibles for employees and their families.
- Stocks snacks and drinks for the staff, including breakfast cereal, oatmeal bars, popcorn, chips, bottled water, juice and soda.
- Gives cash and travel rewards to celebrate employee tenure milestones; awards equity units to all employees.
Employees say:
- "Ariel has many soft benefits, i.e. skybox for events/concerts, charitable events, etc., that it frequently extends to its employees."
- "A wonderful culture of inclusion where employees are highly valued stakeholders — and every employee has equity in the organization."
- "The company is understanding and flexible about work-life balance and employees can work from home when they need to without ramifications."