Boca Raton, Fla.
$16.2 billion AUM
Years won: 2016, 2017
Popular perks:
- Maintains a results-only work environment, which gives employees the autonomy to adjust work schedules and locations, including unlimited vacation time.
- Furnishes an on-site corporate gym with wellness rooms, showers, treadmills with built-in laptop desks and other equipment that employees requested through a firmwide survey.
- Pays 100% of employee and dependent premiums for health, dental and vision insurance and funds health savings account each year to cover 75% of the annual deductibles of both individual and family plans.
Employees say:
- “Being a Results Only Work Environment (ROWE) really gives us the freedom to work from anywhere at any time as long as your results are achieved, which is liberating.''
- “Despite moving to a ROWE environment, where all employees are able to work remotely, my entire team is in the office because we enjoy working together.”
- “Truly the first place of employment for me where I am treated as a human being by every person in the company, including the top executives.”