Sixty-two percent of private equity investors earned net annual returns of 11% to 15% from inception to this year, down from 67% of investors with returns in the same range a year earlier, according to private equity firm Coller Capital's latest Global Private Equity Barometer.
Some 18% of investors indicated they earned an annual since-inception private equity return of 16% or greater, down from 20% from inception to 2016.
Among other key findings in the current report, only 5% of survey respondents have suffered a serious cyberattack in the past five years. However, 55% of investors expect significant such attacks at limited partner institutions to increase in the next five years.
Sixty-five percent of investors think private equity investment opportunities in fintech will continue to grow. Thirty-one percent of investors indicated they think fintech has peaked but will remain significant and 4% stated fintech investment opportunities will diminish. But, 76% of survey respondents stated blockchain technology is not an important development for private equity investment.
The survey was taken in March and April 2017 by Arbor Square Associates. Some 110 private equity investors responded.