Canada Pension Plan, Ottawa, returned a net 11.8% in the fiscal year ended March 31, which helped raise total plan assets to C$316.7 billion ($237.7 billion), up 13.6% from a year earlier.
The pension fund’s benchmark portfolio returned 14.9% in the fiscal year, by comparison, said a news release from the Canada Pension Plan Investment Board, which oversees the money management of the pension fund.
Among the various asset classes, Canadian public equities posted the highest return at 19.2%, followed by foreign and emerging public equities at 18.9% each; natural resources and agriculture investments, 16.8%; foreign private equity, 15.8%; emerging markets private equity, 15.4%; credit investments, 13.9%; Canadian private equity, 8.6%; real estate, 8.3%; infrastructure 7.4%; non-marketable government bonds, 1.8%; and marketable government bonds, -0.9%.
Longer term, for the five and 10 years ended March 31, the pension fund returned an annualized 11.8% and 6.7%, respectively, ahead of its benchmark returns in each of those periods, according to the release. The benchmark returns were not provided.