Three-quarters of employers consider health savings accounts to be part of employees' retirement benefits strategy, according to a survey from the Plan Sponsor Council of America.
It is the first HSA survey from PSCA, which created a committee earlier this year to study the intersection of HSAs with defined contribution plans because of the significant growth of HSA assets to $30.2 billion in 2015 from $1.2 billion in 2006.
Of the employers that participated, 75.3% said they considered the HSA to be part of retirement benefits. When asked how important the investment component of the HSA is, 38.5% said it was very important, 26% important, 23.1% moderately important, 8.3% limited importance and 4.1% no importance.
PSCA surveyed 255 employers, 181 of whom sponsor an HSA-qualifying high-deductible health-care plan. The survey is available on PSCA's website.