PricewaterhouseCoopers on Tuesday announced the launch of its Asia-Pacific Research Centre in Singapore, which is aimed at providing focused market research to money managers in the Asia-Pacific region.
Armin P. Choksey, a Singapore-based director with PwC and unit leader of the Asian Investment Fund Centre that PwC set up in July 2015, said in an email the latest initiative comes amid steady requests from money managers eager to expand in the region, seeking research, strategy analysis, policy papers and market-entry advice.
Mr. Choksey said the Asia-Pacific Research Centre in Singapore becomes the second for PwC’s asset and wealth management business, following the establishment of a global center in Luxembourg.
The Singapore operation will help address the asset industry’s “market research needs such as identifying new market opportunities through its dedicated market-entry reports,” help managers assess their competitiveness and monitor key trends, said a PwC news release Tuesday.
Mr. Choksey said the progress of Asian fund passport schemes that will allow for managers based in one country in the region to market products more broadly is another factor behind the timing of PwC’s latest initiative.