For institutional investors who have been stymied in their desire to invest in infrastructure, the Trump administration's plan to build $1 trillion of infrastructure sounds promising. This is especially true because the plan appears to rely on equity investment.
The plan, as outlined in October by Wilbur Ross (now nominated to be Secretary of Commerce) and Peter Navarro (now head of the White House National Trade Council), relies on a likely capital structure of 83% debt and 17% equity (5:1 leverage). But the federal government would provide an 82% tax credit to the equity investors, making their net investment 3%. In other words, 14% of the investment would come as a no-cost payment to the equity investors from U.S. taxpayers.
No doubt, institutional investors would like some of that action. But they shouldn't get their hopes up. The Ross-Navarro plan is unlikely to provide them with substantial new investment opportunities.
First, the impediment to infrastructure investment is not a lack of capital, so a plan focused on increasing capital availability is likely to result in little new infrastructure.
State and local governments raised a record $445 billion in 2016 through the issuance of bonds in the municipal bond market. And they did so at near-record-low interest rates. The state of California raised 30-year money at 3% in a multibillion-dollar financing in September. Such low interest rates certainly don't suggest there's a shortage of capital.
The Ross-Navarro plan requires $167 billion of equity capital over 10 years. While they describe that as “obviously a daunting amount,” it's a mere $3 billion net amount per year after the tax credit (an amount the muni bond market raises every two days!)
How much can institutional investors beef up their infrastructure portfolio if they all battle over a mere $3 billion of opportunity every year?
The abundance of cheap capital points to the real reason we don't invest enough in infrastructure. There's a lack of projects backed by a reliable revenue stream (either tax revenue or user fees).
No one provides capital for free. Equity capital under the Ross-Navarro plan would expect a 9% to 10% return and debt investors would expect 4.5% to 5% (too low to be of interest to pension funds).
So, unless we rely entirely on federal deficit spending, politicians must ask citizens to pay more if investors are to be repaid and we're to build more infrastructure. But does the new president propose, for example, raising the federal gas tax that's been frozen for several decades? No.
A second problem for institutional investors is that the Ross-Navarro plan doesn't address the reason that government, when it builds infrastructure, relies overwhelmingly on municipal bonds. And, remember, the decision of what infrastructure to build and how is made primarily by state and local governments — not investors, not the federal government.
State and local governments usually find the municipal market cheaper and more forgiving than alternative approaches. Muni bond investors often provide 100% debt financing, take entitlement and revenue risk, and invest in new projects.
Institutional investors in public-private partnerships often don't provide these benefits. And they seek returns of 7% to 10% when muni bonds, even those with low credit ratings, cost municipalities half that.