NOW: Pensions, London, has teamed up with a U.K. reality TV star to make automatic enrollment simple. The £270 million ($352.9 million) multiple employer occupational pension fund has launched its first television and radio commercials to target small employers, and the campaign features Stacey Solomon, a television presenter and former contestant on the U.K.'s “The X Factor.”
Ms. Solomon — who rose to fame after finishing third in the sixth season of “The X Factor” — was chosen to front the campaign “due to her widespread appeal, likability and no-nonsense attitude,” a news release said.
While her name is not expected to be seen together with auto enrollment, “when we thought about the campaign and the focus on making complex subjects simple and easy to understand, we could see she'd be a perfect fit,” said Amy Mankelow, communications director, in the news release. Ms. Mankelow added that Ms. Solomon has brought humor to a somewhat dry topic.
In the ad, Ms. Solomon begins to explain the complexities of auto enrollment in the U.K., but quickly gives up. “Blimey, what are they going on about? No wonder people don't do it — they don't understand it. Can't I just tell them about NOW: Pensions? They make it all so simple you don't have to worry about it,” she enthuses. View the ad at www.