The $43.8 billion Illinois Teachers' Retirement System, Springfield, is searching for a new head for its $5.5 billion private equity program.
The search follows the departure of Kenyatta K. Matheny, senior investment officer, on May 20. David Urbanek, a TRS spokesman, confirmed the search is in progress, but declined to comment further.
Mr. Matheny joined the pension fund as an emerging manager investment officer in May 2010 and expanded the fund's now $752 million program for hiring small and minority-, women- and disabled veteran-owned money managers.
Mr. Matheny joined EquiTrust Life Insurance Co. as chief investment officer, based in the firm's Chicago office, said sources with knowledge of Mr. Matheny's career move who asked not to be identified.
Mr. Matheny didn't immediately respond to a request for information about his new role.
Katie Banks, senior vice president and director of human resources at EquiTrust Life Insurance, declined to comment about Mr. Matheny's appointment.